
Tourist info offices

Phone (+34) 965 177 201
Phone (+34) 965 177 217

How to get Alicante

Flights, car hire and other ways to get to Alicante


hotels, flats and other types of accommodation.

Maps, brochures and APPS

Maps, brochures, guides and APPS with interesting information about Alicante

Gayfriendly Services


El Refugio
(Asociación Liberal /Liberal Association)
Calle Murcia 4, 03005 Alicante
Facebook Refugio Alicante
Pub Canibal
Explanada de España 25, 03002 Alicante
Tel/Phone: +34- 659 49 80 64
Facebook canibalpub
Pub La Cúpula Azul
Av. Oscar Esplá 2, 03003 Alicante
Facebook La Cupula Azul
Pub La Manikí
Calle Argensola 5, 03001- Alicante (Casco Antiguo/ Old town)
Facebook lamaniki.glam
Mother Club (Club de ocio/ Leisure Club)
Calle Cienfuegos 3, 03002 Alicante
(Casco Antiguo/Old Town)
Tel/ Phone: +34- 619 18 88 56
Pub Dark
Av. Ramón y Cajal 9
Facebook DARK-Alicante
Pub Divina
Calle Montengon 7, 03002 Alicante
Facebook divinaalicante
La Casa de la Follie
Calle Cienfuegos 18- 03002 Alicante
Facebook La-Casa-delle-Follie-Alicante
Sauna Basaki
Calle Murcia, 4, - 03005 Alicante
Tel/Phone: +34- 966 38 76 76
Facebook saunabasakyalicante
Sauna Ipanema Thermas
Calle Espronceda, 12, 03013 Alicante
Tel/Phone: +34-965 14 53 01
Facebook Ipanema Thermas
Sauna Steam
Calle Cardenal Payá, 17, 03005 Alicante
Tel/ Phone: +34- 965 12 69 16

What to visit


Fall in love with the light of Alicante and discover its most beautiful and emblematic places: Tabarca Island, beaches, Santa Barbara Castle, monuments and historical buildings, museums and cultural centres, promenades, gardens…

what to do



Enjoy Alicante with your partner, with your friends or with your family. Enjoy the fiestas, discover our routes and savour the city. Alicante is an experience for your senses.

Plan your visit


Discover our accommodation and restaurants or how to get to your destination. If you have any doubts or want to know how to get around by public transport, you can get information at our tourist offices. You may also need maps, guides and apps to make your stay comfortable and you may even want to learn Spanish. Welcome to Alicante!

Alicante entiende


If you want to know all the LGTBIQ+ news in Alicante, check out the tourist website of the LGTBI Entendemos Association.

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