Open water swimming channel
“Serra Grossa”
Alicante has an open water swimming channel, within the swimming area known as Serra-Grossa, very close to the beaches of Postiguet and Albufereta.
Serra-Grossa swimming Channel allows swimmers to train all year round at sea with greater security in an area with two cordons: there is a first safety perimeter cordon that demarcates the swimming area, and a second specific cordon, to prevent accidents with watercraft and vessels. Specifically, the guideline for swimmers is 150 metres from the coast and 50 metres from the cordon for the navigation area, in order to offer greater safety and so that swimmers do not get disoriented as they can be guided by the position buoys.
It is advisable to check the weather conditions and to remember that there is no specific lifeguard service for this channel. It is also important to swim during the daytime only. You should not swim in open water by yourself, but instead swim as part of a group, and use a swimming buoy that makes your location visible, and which you can use as a protection or buoyancy aid if required.
Type of cordon: Double cordon: one safety perimeter cordon demarcating the swimming area, and a second specific cordon, in order to prevent accidents with watercraft and vessels.
- Beaconing with white buoys at 150 metres from the coast: numbered buoys separated from each other approximately every 50 metres.
- Beaconing with yellow buoys at 200 metres from the coast: numbered buoys separated from each other approximately every 50 metres.
How to get there
- BUS: 21-22 (Albufereta)
- TRAM: L3-L4-L5 ( Albufereta)
Opening Hours
Open all year round.
Playa de la Albufereta s/n
03016 Alicante (España)