Competitions and Tenders

Information about competitions and new tenders from the Municipal Board of Tourism and Beaches of Alicante. The Municipal Board of Tourism and Beaches of Alicante is the autonomous municipal body responsible for the promotion and dissemination of the city as a tourist destination in national and international markets.

Contractor Profile

The contractor profile is a service disseminated through the Internet from the website of the Alicante City Council, created by the Public Sector Contracts Law (today art. 53 of the consolidated text of the aforementioned Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011, of November 14), in order to ensure transparency and public access to information on contractual activity. In the “contractor profile” which will be unique for the entire municipal scope (the City Council and its autonomous bodies), the announcements of the tenders called as well as the award and formalization of the contracts will be published, gradually complementing the information available in the profile, extending it to new documents, data, and administrative acts related to municipal contracting.

Regulations, models, and contracting legislation

You can also access the available information related to Regulations, models, and contracting legislation through this channel

Composition of the Permanent Contracting Committees of the City Council and the Autonomous Municipal Bodies

Latest tenders and bids