12.2 km


4 hours



A path through history

The Torres de la Huerta were built during the 16th and 17th centuries in the so-called huerta alicantina, a portion of land located to the northeast of the city of Alicante, irrigated by the waters of the Tibi reservoir through a complex system of irrigation channels and dedicated to the cultivation of vines.

This produced great wealth that attracted the Barbary pirates, who through quick raids aimed at obtaining goods and slaves, ravaged the Mediterranean. The appearance of the sails of their ships on the horizon was synonymous with atrocities and looting. Barbarossa, Dragut… are just some of the names that made the locals of the Huerta pale at their mere mention.

All Routes in Alicante

Route A

Maritime facade of Alicante

Route B

Santa Barbara Castle

Route C

Old Town of Alicante

Route D

The Traditional Downtown of Alicante

Route E

Alicante Air Raid Shelters

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