Located next to the port, La Lonja del Pescado is a place where history and modernity converge. This iconic building, constructed in the early 20th century by engineer Prospero Lafarga, is an exceptional example of historicist architecture, featuring neo-Arabesque ornamental details. Originally designed as a loja (fish market) for the sale and handling of seafood, this architectural gem has been transformed into a renowned exhibition hall in Alicante. It hosts displays of painting, sculpture, history, nature, and numerous cultural activities. The interior of the building features three exhibition rooms that pay homage to the city: the “Explanada” room, the largest; the “Luceros” room, medium-sized; and the “Tabarca” room, a more intimate but equally significant space.
Free access
*Check prices for events, exhibitions, or concerts in the event schedule and tourist offices
Martes – viernes: 10:00h – 20:45h Sábados: 10:00h – 14:00h / 16:00h – 20:45h Domingos y festivos: 10:00h – 14:00h |
Martes – viernes: 09:00h – 20:45h Sábados: 10:00h – 14:00h / 16:00h – 20:45h Domingos y festivos: 10:00h – 14:00h |
Martes – sábados: 15:30h – 21:00h |
Situados frente a la playa del Postiguet, en Avenida Juan Bautista Lafora. HORARIO 15 de noviembre – 27 de febrero: De lunes a domingo de 10:00 a 18:00h. 28 de febrero – 16 de junio: De lunes a domingo de 10:00 a 20:00h. 17 de junio – 4 de septiembre: De lunes a domingo de 10:00 a 23:00h. 5 de septiembre – 14 de noviembre: De lunes a domingo de 10:00 a 20:00h. Último ascensor de subida: 30 minutos antes de la hora de cierre de los ascensores Último ascensor de bajada: 30 minutos antes de la hora de cierre de los ascensores Los días de actuaciones: consultar horarios de cierre del Castillo. Precio de los ascensores: General, 2.70 euros. Gratuito para pensionistas jubilados que acrediten esta condición mediante documento. |
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